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Tag: techniques

Articles tagged as Techniques

Do Metas Still Matter?

Posted on May 26, 2023 by Simon Maury
Meta tags, specifically the "keyword" and "description" tags, are created to provide quick, thumbnail sketches of a web page's content to be able to better classify it.At once, the meta tags were an integral element in on-page optimization for nearly all se's.That "onetime" was round the late 90's.It soon became apparent a reliance on these tags could possibly be exploited, and exploited it had been...

On-Site SEO - What to Avoid

Posted on April 13, 2023 by Simon Maury
Some learn by doing.That is articles about on-site optimization techniques which could provide painful lessons if implemented.An over-all overview of several rudimentary what to avoid when performing on-site optimization.At some level, SEO, or SEO, is really a game of one-upsmanship between your se's and optimizers.By the end of the 90's se's paid a lot of focus on META tags and what that they had to say in regards to a page...

Google: The Clever Fox Secret Guide

Posted on December 19, 2022 by Simon Maury
Search Engines all over the world are receiving smarter daily.Everyday they spend hours to refine their serp's.These se's are following techniques familiar to various known species of our world.Google works such as a "Clever Fox", and several of you'll trust me.It has adopted several unperceivable techniques, and algorithms which are problematic for one to interpret completely.Several seo companies will work day, and night merely to understand Google better...